Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dia 137 - Monday April 25, 2011: Porsche Repair and Golf at Gavea

The phone rang at 5:40 to let us know that the flat bed was ready to pick up the Cayenne. Anisa & I went in the flat bed too. The assistant had to ride in the car on the flatbed. We were at the locked gate to the Porsche repair shop by 7:15. As things turned out, the gate did not open till 9:00. The shop people got to work on the car immediately. They ran a full computer check of the car’s systems. (I hope that future models might be programmed to communicate with my computer and thus directly to me.) The Cayenne has 2 fuel pumps. Both are used to start the engine and when the gas is floored. Once the car is moving the computer switches from one to the other depending on the fuel level. The low level one is bad. Fortunately, the shop had one in stock, as these cars need them as they age. We had other maintenance such as replacing the brake pads. We are due to pick up the car tomorrow at 10:30 and only have 100KM to our next destination. Once again, my hat off to Porsche service for their attentiveness and help. (The Navigation map disc for Brazil covers only Sao Paulo and Rio so the disc is of no further use to us.)

In the meantime, Carol and Steve taxied to Gavea GC awaiting us. The course is cash only so I stopped at a Cambio to change $1,600. Anisa & I arrived at Gavea at noon but that passed Carol’s time window so she went back to the hotel to get ready for 5:30 ride to the airport. The course was magnificent though short. I threw the party and Anisa kicked butt. 13 of the holes were on the hilly mountainside. It was like playing in the botanical garden without the monkeys. The 5 seaside holes were familiar to us. We enjoyed ourselves. I have to exchange more $$ because the round ate up half of my Reals.

Carol was happy to see us back at the hotel. She was happy to be going home, her part of the LatAm mission concluded successfully. She was sad to be leaving us and the adventures ahead. The feeling is mutual.

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